Meet the Leader of STLM

Cindy “C.J.” Thomas
C.J. (Cindy) Thomas is the leader of Sharing the Light Ministries, a unique intercessory prayer ministry. She has authored the books “The Awesome Power of God Study Guide,” “The Awesome Power Of God Prayer Journals”, and the “Everlasting Love Prayer Journal Series.” C.J. is also the author of an inspiring collection of prophetic poetry entitled “In The KING’s Presence.” C.J. has interceded and shared the revelation of our king-priest ministry, our royal priesthood, for more than 30 years.
The mysteries revealed in these books are divine strategies from the throne of God to bring you into unity and harmony with the heart of God. As a king-priest intercessor, you will manifest the Glory of God through this new dimension of prayer and worship! This unique and revolutionary prayer is the catalyst for the corporate anointing and end-time harvest of souls!
She reveals a practical step-by-step guide to teach you who you are and how to manifest “The Awesome Power of God” anywhere and at any time! In addition, this powerful prayer will unify the Body of Christ and cause us to be in unity with heaven and each other. As you fulfill your holy calling, your life will never be the same, and we will all fulfill the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ in John 17:21!
That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me (John 17:21).
About Cindy Thomas